Grow your legal Practice workshop in the Digital Era

Grow your legal Practice workshop in the Digital Era

By: The European Legal Training Center

Σκοπός του σεμιναρίου είναι να παρουσιάσει στους δικηγόρους πρακτικές και μεθόδους που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιήσουν για να προωθήσουν την επιχείρησή τους αξιοποιώντας διαδικτυακά κανάλια. 

Το σεμινάριο απευθύνεται και σε δικηγόρους που θέλουν να ανοίξουν δικηγορικό γραφείο αλλά και σε Marketeers, οι οποίοι συνεργάζονται με δικηγορικά γραφεία ή εταιρείες συμβούλων.

Course Description

No fluff. No generic tips you can find on Google. 100% practical. 100% applicable.

The purpose of this course is to introduce legal practise owners to the tools and methods they can utilize to promote their business and unique selling points to potential clients by leveraging online mediums and channels.

It is a challenging course that prepares legal marketers and lawyers with everything they need to know about succeeding with digital marketing.

The course will also be useful for lawyers who want to open a law firm. The information contained in the course can also be effectively used by marketers, who work with law firms or consulting companies.

Despite the fact that the course is aimed primarily at law firms, it can easily be used for attracting customers to any consulting firm, because most of these methods will work in other sectors, associated with the provision of consulting and information services.

As marketing knowledge for a practicing lawyer is one of the most important part in legal practice, that’s why the legal marketing basics in this course are given in clear and simple language with a minimum of theory and a maximum reliance on practical experience . You will get acquainted with the practical experience and its tools in legal marketing, get practical advice, that you will be able to apply in your practice. If you are a marketer – you will get a step by step guide (without excess water and theory) on effective marketing promotion of law firm.

Having finished this course, you will understand your client, identify the target audience and its needs. You will be able to increase the flow of new clients in your law firm, return the old customers, and to increase revenues.

You will learn to build a marketing strategy of the firm efficiently and cost-effectively.

Course aims:

This online workshop is designed to help you promote and grow your legal practice online.

We will show you how to market specific messages and pieces of content to your preferred audience, understand the basic principles of online content creation including platform specifics and technical requirements to get found more easily, learn to network online and use your content as a lead hook with a unified marketing framework that brings results.

No fluff. No generic tips you can find on Google. 100% practical. 100% applicable.

Funding Available

Funding is not available for this course

Start Date


End Date


Dates and Times

Dates                        Times:
04/10/2022: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
06/10/2022: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
10/10/2022: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Course Content

The course will cover the following topics/issues:

  • The legal framework in promoting your legal company
  • Where to begin? Identifying my Unique selling points
  • Why online content is more powerful than ever?
  •  Building a “social first” attitude - becoming their trusted advisor
  •  Identify your ideal audience + pursuing empathy 
  • How do build your tone of voice
  • What should you write about? (Worksheet and exercise)
  • Turning text into different forms of content (video, image, stories, etc)
  • Setting goals + KPIs for your content
  • Setup a publishing and content schedule (worksheet and exercise)
  • Writing a really effective headline (the Ad for the Ad)
  • Best practises for not being blocked by the algorithms (Meta descriptions, images, links, Headers, etc)
  • Writing your first content piece + technical best practises (Workshop)
  • Writing to generate new leads, introduction to lead generation techniques —
  • The “trust building” framework and social selling techniques (how to amplify and convey — outreach techniques)  
  • Analysing the performance of your existing channels (exercise)
  • Short introduction to different channels and tools you can use
  • Questions / Discussion

Language of Instruction


Course Methodology

Live distance learning via Zoom


Demetris A. Stefani 

Admission Requirements

-    You must be over 17 years old  

Discounts/Offers Applicable

20% discount for two registrations from the same company

Who is the course aimed at

  • This course is intended for practitioners, as well as for owners, top managers and partners of law firms. The level of marketing knowledge does not matter, because the course gives the most effective marketing tools, proven in practice, and the material is presented in simple language without the use of multiple marketing terms and heaps of theory
  • This course will be very useful for lawyers, who want to open their law firm or start legal services.
  • This course will be useful for marketers who are beginning to specialize in marketing of law firms, or firms providing consulting and information services, as it provides a structured video guide. This video guide contains step by step algorithm for building a marketing system with the use of modern marketing tools, which are the most effective in practice.
  • This course will be useful for owners, top managers, partners and the promotion department of companies, providing consulting and information services. Despite the fact that the course focuses on the use of marketing tools in the law firm, the majority of the stated methods can be efficiently and without special adaptation applied in the provision of consulting and information services in any other industry.

Certificate Awarded

Each participant will receive a certificate of attendance

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