The latest updates about CIP 2020

The latest updates about CIP 2020

By: Typographos & Co Lawyers

In an unsettled, ever-changing world, acquiring a second citizenship is a wise decision and an investment for the future. The Cyprus Investment Program currently offers the quickest and simplest route of obtaining Cyprus citizenship, which provides full EU rights, including the ability to live and work in any EU country. Cyprus citizenship is for life, your spouse and children can be included, and there is no need to give up your present nationality while you enjoy the benefits of a legal second passport. The program requires a minimum investment of €2M in residential properties or €2.5m in other investment instruments and must be retained for a period of five years plus a €150.000 contribution. There is no actual residency or language requirements and all nationalities are eligible to apply. The application process period is approximately eight months.

For more information click on below document.

CIP 2020.pdf


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